HealthFitness Acquires Assets of Focused Health Solutions

Source HealthFitness, a Trustmark company
Published Date 3/1/2011
HealthFitness, an award-winning provider of employee health and fitness solutions, has acquired the assets of Focused Health Solutions, a national provider of population health management services. The purchase of Focused Health Solutions, with its proprietary technology platform and condition management programs, enables HealthFitness to offer employers, health plans, Taft-Hartley groups and other clients expanded services that increase overall employee well-being, improve the health of people with chronic conditions, and control costs. ...

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HealthFitness, a Trustmark company
Minneapolis, MN
HealthFitness, a Trustmark company
Minneapolis, MN

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John Barrett
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HealthFitness, a Trustmark company
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Phil Christianson
[Former Chief Executive Officer (Focused Health Solutions)]
HealthFitness, a Trustmark company
Paul Lotharius
[President and CEO]
HealthFitness, a Trustmark company
Debra Marshall
[Vice President - Marketing]
HealthFitness, a Trustmark company
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Michael Taylor
[Former Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer]
HealthFitness, a Trustmark company
