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UnitedHealthcare Simplifies Drug Prescribing Experience for Care Providers and Patients with PreCheck MyScript

Source UnitedHealthcare
Published Date 9/5/2017
New online tool streamlines authorizations and makes it easy to compare drug prices  

UnitedHealthcare, a UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH) company, is making it easier and quicker for care providers to prescribe medications for their patients through a new online solution called PreCheck MyScript. With more than 4 billion prescriptions filled in the United States in 2016, writing a prescription is one of the most common activities in a routine office visit. ...
View the entire UnitedHealthcare article
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Minnetonka, MN

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Jay Bhattacharyya
[Vice President and General Manager - Payers]
Veradigm (formerly Allscripts)
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[Chief Executive Officer]
DrFirst, Inc.
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